What is your earliest memory of music? And, how did you get started in music?
My earliest memories include sitting in my Dad’s guitar case as he was putting on new strings. He was in one band or another during most of my growing up years. There were always instruments around and I remember writing and orchestrating songs in my head from a very young age. I was always singing. It was actually quite some time before I realized that it wasn’t the same for everybody. It was very much a function of everyday life for me, and still is.
What was the first song you ever wrote? What or who inspired you to start writing music?
I think the first songs I wrote down were in my early teen years. We had a 4 Track Tascam and I would sit in my bedroom and record the typical, young, angst-fumed, acoustic songs layered with too much reverb and way too many harmony tracks. I wish I still had those recordings! Pinpointing a specific inspiration for writing has always been hard for me, as I am a very in-the-moment person. So things I would hear or see every day would get turned into song ideas and it still happens like that. Even if I’m not trying to write, I’m constantly taking in whatever music is around, images and scenarios, people’s turns of phrase etc. Rhythms and melody just start to happen. When I’m smart, I’ll write a note on my phone and record a few bars on a voice memo to return to later.
Do you play any instruments? If yes tell us about it. If not, do you work with a band or studio musicians? Do you produce your tracks or work with a producer?
I had piano lessons starting at age 6 or 7, but it took a year or two for my teachers to realize that I wasn’t actually reading music at all. My ear was always faster than my fingers and when I landed with a teacher who wasn’t able to harness that (and also maintain my interest) I got really frustrated and walked away. I first picked up a guitar when I was around 11 years old because it was what we had lying around, but I really started to fall in love with the instrument and the idea of performing when I saw Bonnie Raitt on Oprah. That was my moment that locked my dreams in place. I’ve also dabbled with other things over the years, particularly small wind instruments traditional flutes and whistles but my current focus is on growing my fluency and confidence on electric guitar. Thankfully, I am privileged to work with incredible musicians in the band. We have top-notch players in every position and we are also blessed to work with Timothy Eaton on a couple of songs, as well as our main man Dave Smith of Crash Bang Booom productions as producers.
What is your favorite part about being an artist (performing, recording, writing, playing)?
Performing is my number one high. It’s where I feel like I’m at my best and where I get to really integrate my whole self emotionally and physically into one expression. I also love the writing/arranging process. Music is like paint colors on a palette to me and it’s a magical feeling to mix things together and tell a story with words and dynamics that is brought to life with melody and rhythm.
Do you have any advice for young women pursuing music?
Don’t be afraid to stand your ground, but don’t always go in guns-a-blazing. I think humility is so important, in being able to look your weaknesses in the eye and be ok with not being perfect. When you can honestly take stock of where you are in your knowledge and skill, that’s when you can really dig in and improve, and also be taken seriously without having to be a Diva personality to get things done. Respect is huge. Give it freely and be ready to earn it, but also be honest with yourself about your abilities and ready to defend your convictions.
For readers who have never heard your music, can you suggest one or two songs to start with?
Our latest album really encompasses so much of the diversity in our sound and I would say that “See What You Want” or “The Real Thing” would both be a good place to start to get a feel for our energy. After that, though, make sure to check out the title track “Good Fight.” It’s a song that really digs in emotionally and is a message that we stand behind.
What are your greatest strengths as an artist?
What do you think: I’m a real person, with ups and downs. If I can take those and weave some sort of structure that connects with someone through this thing called music, then I will have added to the world in a way that leaves me satisfied and content. I think that as artists, it’s our job to magnify those strong emotions and experiences into something that can be captured and re-experienced, and then processed in a positive way. That’s how we contribute positively to the world at large. It’s so much more than entertainment. If I aspire to be strong in one thing as a performing artist, that would be it: to give someone what she or he needs and walk that person through joy or pain and become a part of her or his story.
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About Limberlost
Limberlost is an American rock band from Seattle, WA. Behind the crushing vocals of Krystle Pyette and mesmerizing harmonies of Brittany Lauren, the band, consisting of Ricky Dunn on Guitar, Ben “Thor” Beman on Bass, Anthony Ciarochi on Keys and Michael Burt on Drums, use captivating hooks and tenacious grooves to grab your heart and invade your soul. A troop of 6 vastly different origins who bind together as one, and rise from the mist to permeate every song and performance with passion, love and raw energy!