Review by Daniel Deprè

“Frontline Strong” is full of hope and love. Nancy Kelel, who is a 2021 WNIR "Best Female Artist", wrote the song in support of all the frontline workers who are risking their well-being to help others. There is an underscored sense of sadness as she reflects on the duties of these unsung heroes during this unprecedented pandemic. However, there is also a wonderfully uplifting spirit that really makes this song soar. This is an inspiring tribute and such a great way to honor all of those who are frontline strong.
Lyrically, Kelel is very expressive and rhythmical with her writing. In the verses she is listing all the hardships that nurses and other frontline workers have to deal with every single day, but she does it in a way that doesn’t over explain. Rather the lyrics conjure up vivid images in your mind and you begin to sympathize with these workers. “They work without thanks or kind embraces, most people don’t see their names or faces, they carry on, they’re frontline strong.” Kelel also nicely honors how selfless these heroes are. “They push ahead, their days are long, put others first because they’re frontline strong”.
The arrangement creates a supportive and calm atmosphere that enhances the lyrics. The main chord progression is strummed with care on a 12-string acoustic guitar which has such a heavenly sound. The track is further ornamented by light percussion and shakers. These elements help this song have a sense of motion and give the listener something to sway to. Kelel’s vocals are so sweet and warm. The vocal harmonies, which are also all her, add to the coloration and really add some heavenly spice to the song.
“Frontline Strong” is filled with powerful lyrics, a catchy chorus melody, and just the right amount of heartache to create a song that goes above and beyond, just like the workers it’s honoring. Listen on Soundcloud

About Nancy Kelel
Nancy Kelel is originally from Detroit Michigan; she made a bold move to LA to become a professional songwriter. Her goal is to make a difference in the world with her songs. She composes soft-pop/modern folk on piano and guitar. Her newest song, "Frontline Strong'" was specifically written to give voice, honor and uplift the Frontline healthcare workers and volunteers and help raise funds for the families of those brave healthcare heroes who sacrificed their lives while serving Covid-19 patients. The song is available for download and streaming in most popular online web stores, with a portion of net proceeds being directed to honor their legacy through "The Brave of Heart Fund." Nancy produced and performed vocals and instruments on both the song and it's video version.