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Nina Lee - 'Lift Up'

The W.A M. Awards celebrate the year’s most outstanding independent artists from around the world in multiple genres and categories. "Best Song" and "Best Album" nominations were based on Artistry, Musicianship, Originality, Professionalism, Diversity, and Excellence. W.A.M. stands for "We Are the Music Makers.' Nina Lee's song "Lift Up" was the 2020 W.A.M. Award Winner for Best Song in the Social Justice / Peace category.

Nina Lee's "Lift Up" is one of those songs that stays with you long after you've heard it.

There's a message of hope and unity woven throughout this social justic song that reminds people of who we can be if we come together and lift each other up.

“So, lift us up Cause, it don’t matter where were from Lift us up And it don’t matter who we love We’ll rise and come together We can make it better If we stand as one.”

Musically, "Lift Up" resonates on multiple levels: musically, vocally, intellectually, and spiritually. Commencing with a percussive beat, much like a beating heart, the song's subtle intensity is set. Nina enters singing with a warm, edgy, and character-filled voice against a moving piano and a deep and resonating subbase. The soulful chorus soon blossoms and it is extremely catchy. Listeners can easily sing along and spread the message. Background vocals sound like a chorus adding to the solidarity of the song. Every inch of this song has been attended to and it sounds wonderful.

Nina Lee has captured the soul of a nation and provided a mantra to move forward. "Lift Up" is the perfect song to bring in the New Year as it reminds us of the hardships we endured in 2020 and the power we have within to heal a nation and be better to each other. So, let's "Lift Up" in 2021!


About Nina Lee

Nina loves the feeling of crushed velvet against her skin | Cade 26 burning in her apartment | The idea of the underground railroad at the Waldorf Astoria | Reliving a memory through smell | Aperol Spritzes | The tea in the hair salon that she can’t recall the name of that has a ginger-orange type of flavor | The voice of Amy Winehouse Dogs | Hands | Silk blazers | The Great Gatsby and the Paradiso Bar in Barcelona | Late night swimming in the ocean | Nina will always be found with hand sanitizer in her purse, preferably lavender scented | The sunsets in Atlantic Beach on summer nights | The specificity of children's handwriting and the innocence that it encapsulates | Tie dye t-shirts and charcoal face masks, and tradition She loves to experience culture | Rao’s in East Harlem | But she will always go for sushi no matter what time of day | The smell of the Upper West Side after it rains | Nina appreciates that we don’t know what tomorrow brings | The comfort of a yellow cab | Raspy voices, the smell of a cigar | The fear that is life | And the urge to pass every hurdle put in front of her | At a gathering if asked to sing, the answer is always yes.



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