By Sylvie Marie & Staff

"Happy Endings", written by J. R. Wilbur and performed by Robin Lorraine Hardy Groce, is a moving, adult-contemporary, ballad that is sure to melt your heart.
With a light pop-rock groove, soulful sax, and warm vocals, "Happy Endings" creates a vibe of healing and hope after a failed relationship that listeners who have gone through a tough breakup and found new love will truly relate to.
Commencing with a singing sax solo, the song has very strong melodic content that you can instantly hum along with. The melody in the verses is reminiscent of Cat Stevens, "Father and Son." It has the same gentle and thoughtful quality. Mark Earley shines as the soloist and returns later in the song with an interlude of sultry sax that is candy for the ears. The song is brought to life by Robin Lorraine's warm and inviting, rich alto voice. Robin performs the song with an intimate quality that draws listeners into the story. Lyrics like, "It was hard. There was stress. Sometimes I guess I made a mess. But I believe I passed the test..." show resiliency and hope.
The arrangement builds up nicely to the chorus which stands out for it's encouraging lyrics and gorgeous melody. "Happy Endings" is an uplifting song about dancing in love again. J.R. Wilbur has musically captured the emotion of second chances.

About Robin Hardy-Groce
Robin Hardy-Groce loves jazz, blues, and singing torch songs best, (and Christmas music year round)! She has enjoyed singing with the Lakes Region Symphony Orchestra, in Meredith New Hampshire. She is also a featured singer on Mood Swings, an album by J.R. Wilbur and the Just Right Singers, now available for downloads, as well as in vinyl form, at J.R. Wiblur's website.
#RobinHardyGroce #HappyEndings