Being kept inside by the COVID-19 pandemic, Susan Surftone did what a lot of artists are doing right now; she picked up her guitar and started recording. The upbeat and vibrant result of Susan's lockin is her new 5 song surf EP, simply title "The EP." If you are looking for a great escape into some fine-crafted surf music, this EP is a must listen.
The project opens with the song, "Stinger 67". Rapid-fire, clean percussion introduces Susan's melodic electric guitar that will have you immediately humming along to it's cathcy thematic material. Susan doesn't just surf the guitar, she surf dances the instrument yielding a sound that makes you want to move your body.
Up next is the rockin' "Hellfire Point." Utilizing a thicker harmonic landscape, "Hellfire Point" is a standout, soulful track. Divided between sections of solo guitar work and an echoing full band sound, set to rock n' roll drums, "Hellfire Point" is the intersection of bad-ass rock and soulful surf.
The third song in is the clever, "Beat Rider." Riding the beat like a wave, Susan show's off her strong phrasing sensibilities weaving in and out of the beat with a theme and variations. When the beat drops out, Susan keeps the energy going just fine on her own. Throughout the EP, listeners will have to do double listgens to catch all the ways in which Susan plays up a variation utilizing register, tone, and rhythm.
The 4rth track, and sure to be a fan favorite, is "Cottonwood Beach." This song simply grooves. The word "bravado" or "swagger" comes to mind as the song oozes the kind of surf confidence that comes with year's of owning your genre. Strong songwriting takes center-stage with this pop-surf number.
"Tramp" is last. "Tramp" travels through Susan's surf repertoire with a gutsy glimpse of everything this pheomenal artist has to offer. It grooves. It glides. And it glistens.
Stuck in the house during the pandamic? Let Susan Surftone's reverby guitar and wavvy tunes take you away! Listen on SoundCloud.
Stream on Spotify
For more information on Susan SurfTone, please visit her website.

About Susan SurfTone
Susan started playing guitar after the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964. A number of boys picked up the guitar, bass, or drums, but very few girls did. After law school, and a job with the FBI as a Special Agent, Susan started her first band in NYC in the mid 1980’s. By 1995 she had relocated to Rochester NY and started “The SurfTones”, an all instrumental surf band. Susan and her band were signed to a three CD record deal by Gee-Dee Music in Hamburg, Germany, which later led to four European Tours.
After moving and touring in the West Coast, Susan started recording as “Susan SurfTone” in 2011 playing guitar and bass. Susan always loved trying new things so she did some vocal recordings focusing in Rockabilly and Indie Rock. She also recorded two acoustic CD’s and did some performing in Los Angeles with acoustic guitar. In 2020, Susan went back to instrumental surf music to mark her twenty-five years in surf music. Even though Susan did venture out into other genres; she never completely left the beach.