How amazing is Jon Pattie? For starters, he is a 5th year student at The University of Texas majoring in Engineering; he is also pre-med. With all that, one may be left to wonder how he has the time to also be an incredible musician, song-writer and composer. There is an expression, “where there’s a will there’s a way” and Jon Pattie has found a way. Like the world of engineering and medicine, Jon’s expertise and attention to detail pays off. The EP ‘321’ shines with intelligent composition, excellent musicianship, great production, passionate vocals and poetic lyrics. ‘3 2 1’ has 3 songs and with hints of pop, rock, jazz and contemporary, there is more than enough music fill your heart and your ears.
‘3 2 1’ opens with the song, “Stranded in the Ocean.” An entrancing introduction opens the song with gentle acoustic guitar and light percussion. A bass enters, introducing Jon’s vocals. “I was once drifting through the fog, waterlogged and all alone until I heard the siren’s song, calling me to come home." At once, you can hear that Jon’s voice is very confident and clear as he easily rises above the mix. Later in the song, Jon brings the volume down, singing delicately, adding an emotional edge to the words. Here Jon demonstrates his dynamic control and musical sensitivity. Separating the song’s sections are smooth guitar solos that cry over the waves of music. The chorus is catchy and well-written, “You left me stranded in the ocean. Holding onto hopes as currents drag me down. You left me stranded in the ocean. Searching for the coast but nowhere to be found.” In “Stranded in the Ocean” Jon uses poetic metaphor to depict the feeling of a love gone out to shore, never to return.
Check out the acoustic version of "Stranded in the Ocean" on YouTube:
Tugging on the heart-strings, the next song on the EP is “Home.” Home is a gorgeous, full ballad that showcases Jon’s advanced understanding of composition. This song could easily be a smash hit in a contemporary pop forum or even in a musical because it has the ability to fill a room with emotion and sound. The beautiful introduction commences on piano with softly strummed guitar chord added. Jon sings, “Sometimes you’re just dreaming of street lights that flicker and die. Empty roads that lead nowhere and covered in cracks and dried leaves. Scenes of an old, weathered oak tree that breathes of fond memories. Floats through your mind as you search for a new weathered tree.” These lyrics could stand alone as poetry. The build-up to the chorus is dynamic. “If you’re lost and alone with everywhere to roam. Just follow my voice and I’ll take you home. I’ll take you home.” All kinds of musical textures compliment this song with pizzicato melodies, strings, bass and percussion. The arrangement and production is stellar. John does a fantastic job singing, once again, by rising above the full track with soaring and emotive vocals. The addition of vocal harmonies and great lead guitar playing is the icing on the cake.
The EP ends with “Lost in the Sheets,” an upbeat and contagious song about falling in love and wondering if there is a connection. The structure of the song presents several verses, each separated by a pre-chorus that asks the central question, “Is this a connection or is it just me?” The song starts with an acoustic vibe showcasing some fine guitar picking riffs. Slowing, rhythmic guitar comes in along with percussion. In this arrangement there are hints or rock and pop. The vibe is fun and energetic. Jon sings, “Can you feel the electricity?” Yes, we can!
In the song, “Home” Jon sings, “If you’re lost and alone with everywhere to roam. Just follow my voice and I’ll take you home. I’ll take you home.” In a sense, this is what ‘3 2 1’ is all about. If you follow Jon’s voice and the incredible composition and musicianship that supports each track, the path will take you home - musically - because there is so much to return to and so much that will resonate with you; Jon’s music is a place where you can feel comfortable yet always discover something new. For more information on Jon Pattie, visit his website.