Rosie is a R&B/alternative artist based out of Oakland. Her style is a smooth mix of hip-hop and R&B that draws influences from her surroundings as well as her personal experiences. Her newest single “WWYD?” is a top-notch radio ready track that will blow listeners away. With her ambition and sound, there is no doubt you will be hearing more about Rosie in the future.
For fans who have never heard your music, can you pick three words to describe it?! If three words just aren't enough..then tell us more!!
Charged, Edgy, Open.
When you are writing a song, where do you draw inspiration from? Or what topics do you like to write or sing about?
I draw straight from my life, so whatever I'm currently feeling or going through is what I write about. Sometimes I'll be in a certain mood for like a week and really focus on that, but as soon as my mood changes I find it hard to keep working on a subject, so a lot of songs get half written, and then I come back to them once I'm back in the mindset I was in when I first started on it. This makes it hard to work sometimes, but I think it allows time to step away and then come back and re-acess and edit. I think I focus a lot on interpersonal relationships, but I'm trying to focus out from those, and expand my topic range to see where it takes me.
Okay, this a fun question. When you are not doing music, what else do you enjoy doing?
I'm a college student, so I don't travel to much during the school year, but I try to make it to New York and Seattle annually to see my good friends, and expand my network. I really like the beach, and spend most of summer in a bikini, when I'm not working (but also, spf is life, sun-damage is no joke). Also, I'm a big basketball fan, and love to go to the Warriors games, but I also have been known to kick it with some of the team, they're all pretty nice guys. Otherwise, it's really all work and no play for me, I try to stay focused on my goals and not get too distracted.
If you were to create your favorite playlist of other artists music, what would your top 3 songs be? And, what artists have influenced your music the most?..
1. City of the Rose - Tyus 2. Maria I'm Drunk (slow version) - Travis Scott 3. Feel It - Young Thug (Also, these change like every day based on my mood, it's way too hard to decide - so this is today's favorites) I think the biggest influence in my music was probably Destiney's Child because I listened to my parents music growing up, but I got my hands on a Destiney's Child Cd, where the other side was a DVD of their music videos, and that became my life. I would watch it every day and dance/sing along. I was obsessed, and this is what first drew me to RnB music.
Can you tell us what song you've written that is the most emotional and describe the meaning behind it?
Probably my single Trippin' because it's where I start to really vibe with myself. It's about a mix of things, but mainly the idea of knowing one's worth and not putting up with bs from anyone. I'm always the one to forgive and forget and I've wasted a lot of time that way, so this journey into not accepting being treated less than I deserve was a large influence for that piece.
What is your dream gig? Is there a gig that you really want that would be the ultimate show for you?
The Fox Theatre in Oakland, or Jimmy Kimmel live would be my two top gigs right now. The Fox Theatre, because it's so personal to me, and Jimmy Kimmel, because it would just be such an amazing opportunity.
Are you working on any new material right now or what's in the works for the upcoming year?
I have two new songs coming up, one is upbeat and totally danceable, and the other is a slow song. I have a few shows in the works, so adding to my repertoire is important to me right now.
Tell us where fans can access your music.
www.reverbnation.com/itsofficiallyrosie/song/29210808-wwyd itunes.apple.com/us/album/wwyd-single/1348470571