Indie-Pop group Suzanne’s Band is the creation of Native Texan Mia Suzanne Walker. Suzanne’s life has been filled with music from a young age when she studied piano, sang in Church and performed in musicals. Recently, Suzanne was in America’s Got Talent tryout contest (2016 and 2017) which gave her the momentum and confidence to pursue her musical dreams. In November, Suzanne’s Band released their first 5- song EP ‘Breathe” which showcases her remarkable talent as a songwriter.
‘Breath’ opens with the upbeat song, “Down in Mexico.” With a nice Jimmy Buffet vibe, the song’s soundscape includes acoustic Spanish style guitar and nice wooden percussion effects. “Why don’t we go pack a bag, head for Mexico. Tell the boss you’ll be back in week…” The lyrics are very fun and fans will want to sing along. Vocally, Suzanne presents a sweet, warm voice that never overpowers the mix. This is a song about leaving your troubles behind and a great intro to the EP.
Check out the music video for "Down in Mexico" now!
The next song on the EP is the gorgeous, moving ballad “Losing You.” It’s a blues song that Suzanne pours her heart into with expressive singing. The song’s lyrics paint an emotional picture of losing a love who has now become a stranger. Tasteful guitar solos highlight the track. Like track two, the next track is also about losing a lover, but it’s more upbeat with a nice swing. Both songs “Losing Your and “One From Two” capture a nostalgic feel while remaining with contemporary.
Next up is ‘Breath.” This beautiful piano driven inspirational track is worthy of being the title track. Gorgeous, rich cello compliments that ballad perfectly. Suzanne’s Band is very tasteful, always choosing the right instrumentation to enhance the arrangements. The chorus stays with you long after you have heard it. “Jesus help me breath I’m down on my knees. Can’t feel much but pain. My tears they flow like rain, Oh Jesus help me breath.”
The last two tracks” Young and Free” and” Loving the Feeling” prove that Suzanne is an exceptional songwriting who knows how to reach deep within. Her material is honest and moving. The pop song ‘Young & Free has all the elements of a hit song. It is universal and timeless. The albums ends on a rocking note with “Loving the Feeling.” In this last song, the guitars are a little thicker, there’s some nice turns in the melodic lines, and the build to the hook is very strong. It’s about loving the feeling of being in love. Suzanne adds nice harmonies on the catchy chorus.
With the EP ’Breath” Suzanne hits high marks for stellar songwriting, honest lyrics, timeless classics and truly diverse writing proving that she is a formidable songwriter who has every reason to be confident about her craft because she is darn good at it. For more information, head over to her website!