The talented Paris trio, Jazzy Sky, consists of Stephane Querry (composer, pianist), Olivier Querry (Lyricist) and Camille (Vocalist). Stephane started piano at age eleven and studied with renowned teacher France Clidat at the “Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris” where he developed his technique in classical music. He also studied Jazz (Harmony, Piano improvisation, band formation and rhythm) under the tutelage of David Patrois in the musical conservatory of the 5th district of Paris. The trio’s lyricist, Olivier Querry gained his experience as a singer and songwriter in rock bands. He writes in English as well as French. Vocalist Camille began studying voice and performing in musicals at age seven. In 2010, she began working at University where she studied classical voice and jazz voice. She earned her teaching credentials and taught classroom choral and instrumental music. When she is not teaching, she also sings with chorales and a Gospel Choir. Jazzy Sky's debut EP “Breakfast” is a great way to introduce yourself to their sound and get hooked.
The title track of Jazzy Sky’s debut EP “Breakfast” is a lighthearted love song that is reminiscent of something you would hear in the lounge of the Ritz Carlton circa 1950. Penned by brothers Stephane and Olivier Querry, “Breakfast” is told from the perspective of a couple separated, with the protagonist telling the story of their stay in a hotel away from home where she awaits seeing him again. “I'm feeling blue I'm anxious to see your smile and your sweet eyes again But outside through the window there's only rain - Vocalist Camille longingly sings of trying to find solace in the warm and friendly hotel, longing to share the moment with their companion. Her voice is easily relatable.
“In Love” is a woman’s declaration of unbridled love, how the bright future she now imagines for herself can help her move past her hard times. Though it’s the only song on the EP without guitar, the track has a bounce to it that’s hard to resist moving to. Two clarinet solos punctuate the track, with jubilant leaps and runs that bring to mind Benny Goodman and takes the listener back to the swing era once again.
With a compelling melody, dark lyrics, and a haunting chord progression, “All or Nothing” is a departure from the rest of the EP. It is a wistful song that helps round out some of the more upbeat tracks. Camille masterfully interprets the melody composed by the Querry brothers, evoking a feeling of melancholy and regret. Stephane interjects with another solo, this time on trumpet, and nimbly navigates the harmonic landscape he has created. The song ends on a hopeful note, with a twinkling piano run encapsulating the final words.
“Tonight” is a quirky song that already sounds like a classic, in no small part due to Camille’s always perfect interpretation of the melody. As with the rest of the songs she lends it her airy quality and makes it her own, so much so that it’s hard to imagine it being sung by anyone else! Stephane takes another two driving clarinet solos on the last track of the EP; in addition to composing the music and lyrics with Olivier, Stephane plays all the instruments on the EP!
The songs on 'Breakfast' depict the beginnings of falling love and the hope and happiness it yields which is captured wonderfully in the song's lyrical content. "When you have happiness of being in love; Your peaceful heart has the feeling to be like a dove;And you fly everywhere; By floating in the air; Your love is in your mind;Hard times are behind. "
Pick up a copy of the outstanding EP ‘Breakfast” for a collection of four songs that will delight and impress you with great musicianship, compelling lyrics and a wonderful vocal interpretation. Stephane Querry has had music running through his veins for a long time and his debut EP with Olivier and Camille was worth waiting for.
To learn more about Jazzy Sky, visit their website.