Bongo Boy Records has released 'Millennials 1' by Various Artists. The album is an EDM project filled with dance music that DJ’s, clubs, EDM fans, and party hosts will fall in love with. Presenting leading producers, beat makers, and stellar artists from around the world, 'Millennials 1’ gets everyone into the groove and onto the dance-floor - and keeps them there from the first track to the last.

The album opens with "Fairytales" by Sharon Lia Band. Commencing with catchy melodic synth ambiance, "Fairytales" is an uplifting and powerful EDM song with a strong message. Sharon kicks the song off with,“I know what I know inside and I know what I feel is right and I’m not gonna fight it anymore, I’m gonna pick myself right off the floor.” The lyrics deconstruct the age-old fairy tale of boy meets girl and the two live happily ever-after. “There is no such thing as fairytales, but we all have wings to take us to a happy ending." "Sharon has a pop radio-ready voice that oozes with self-confidence."Fairytales" has a great message - make your own story and live it - or get onto the dance-floor and feel it.
"Gravity Defied (feat. JR Hilcher)" by Korvaz is up next. Opening with a mesmerizing and soothing introduction of synth and percussion, combined with echo effects on the vocals, "Gravity Defied" sounds ethereal. The song is highlighted by highly rhythmic, percussive accents that give it an EDM feel with hints of industrial. The industrail vibe makes this song extraordinary. "f only we could disappear fly away a million miles from here”. With lyrics about elevating a relationship beyond the games people play and a very catchy hook - “Fly. We can only try. Read and touch the sky" - "Gravity Defied" will take you higher.
The third track "Ready For The World (EDM) feat Keith Hines Production" presents Tammi T on vocals. Tammi T commences, "Dear past, thank you for all the lessons.” The track kicks in with pulsing bass and strong melodic phrasing. The production work is excellent. Tammi T has powerful vocals that match the caliber of the mix making this song a stand-out. “I’m ready for the world. I’m shooting for the stars.” Her alto voice resonates with richness and confidence. “Ready for the World” is about learning from the past and looking ahead to an exciting future. It’s a song for the new year and for every night in the clubs. Both the message and the music are simply contagious.
Les Fradkin’s “Attack!” is up next. Les boldly paints an uplifting EDM musical extravaganza for the ears and body. Establishing the groove first, Les takes listeners on a MIDI /guitar fused ride that is filled with engaging melodic motifs that swirl and sing, pop and pound, crunch and cut. With multiple effects and textures, Les is a genius. This song gives so much substance and sound without ever losing it's rock/EDM core; the foundation runs like water, through the song's veins, giving listeners a multitude of ideas without ever getting lost; this is one track for mind and body as it will keep you listening and dancing at the same time.

Track five presents "Blessed Kiribati (feat. Ricky Kej ) by STEEL & Nina Sol. This song combines ancient and mystical folk elements with contemporary dance music for a unique sound that holds your attention from beginning to end. With heavy bass and light percussion, there is also a slight reggae/ Island vibe that’s spellbinding. Nina Sol sings with tremendous soul. She shows her incredible range hitting high notes with a pure tone that will give you chills. The lyrics will also give you chills as warnings are heard about climate change and the consequences that may follow. At times, the song almost enters into a trance-like place where the music and message become one. This EDM song that will knock your socks off with originality.
Mid-way through the album is “Someone’s Else’s Eyes” by Frankie Silver. Presenting a soulful introduction with R & B overtones, the track draws you in. Frankie has an amazing tenor voice that is highly polished and radio-ready. His tone is crystal clear with pop star caliber. “Is this love. Is this real. Is it everything we were born to feel? “ The track presents excellent production work with an upbeat song that has universal lyrics performed by an artist who is ready for the big time.
Track seven is another hit titled "Dance With A Stranger (EDM) feat. Keith Hines Production" Tammi T starts singing, “I curse that night....” She goes on to sing a story about a man who swept her off her feet and a romance that led to a broken heart. This story literally takes place on the dance floor. Tammi T has a gift for keeping it real with lyrics that take you into the moment and captivate. Ultimately this cautionary tale about dancing with a stranger explodes with dance magic - it is easy to move and groove to.
"Love Of Your Life (feat. EveVox )" by Korvez follows with an infectious and catchy chorus. “I want to be the love of your life. I want to be the one that you hold tight. I want to be the love of, the love of your life. I want to be the love of your life. I want to be the one that makes it right .I w ant to be the love of your, love of your life.” EveVox does a great job capturing the essence of the song with vocals that sound natural and inspiring. Love of your life combines 80’s EDM sensibilities and contemporary dance-pop elements for a song about the universal yearning to be someone's everything. Sung with great pop style against a tune that's contagious, “Love of Your Life” will light up hearts and the dance-floor.
Track nine, "Forevermore (Dance Version)” by Sharon Lia Band has a nostalgic feel to it that perfectly suits the song’s lyrics about a forever and true love. Sharon’s vocals are warm and inviting. She uses extensive emotional range as she sings every word with feeling. “I don’t want another ordinary lover. I just want someone who completes me." There is a delicate quality to the track in the melodic keyboard phrasing that gives the song a charming sparkle. "Forevermore” is an EDM song that offers a mix of tempos - you can slow down to it and you can groove to - making it perfect for grabbing that special someone and hitting the dance-floor.
Track ten is Robert Michaels “Drive.” It has elements of pop, R&B and dance for a track that is well conceived and composed. Opening strong with synth, percussion, guitar and drums Roberts sings, “Take a drive with me. Baby you can drive in the front-seat. Let your hair down with me you, can be anyone you want to be.” This uplifting song has strong melodic content and universal, fun lyrics. Midway, a bridge section changes up the texture nicely. With a great finger snapping beat, "Drive” has an excellent groove that literally drives the song onto the dance-floor. Robert’s vocals are excellent and very accessible. This song has mass appeal.
“My Music (EDM) feat Keith Hines Production with Tammi T on vocals is contagious. The collaboration of producer Keith Hines and singer Tammy T is proving to be a win-win combination yielding a sound that is highly polished with catchy melodies and strong hooks. “Without my music I’m a fish out of sea.” This song perfectly depicts what it is all about for Tammi T – the love of music - and this love is heard joyfully on every note she sings. "My Music" is upbeat - in the production and the message - yielding a song that is exuberant.
Track twelve is “Inspired Visions (Radio Dance Mix) “by The Corridors. Commencing with a blues-rock undertone and the sound of rattling chains, the introduction to “Inspired Visions” is rich and mysterious. A restrained train track rhythm drives the song forward with an excellent groove that utilizes elements of rock and EDM. The Corridors sing about hope and desire. Strong rock elements are combined with stunning ambient effects making for a moving track that will seduce you onto the dance-floor.
The last track on the album is “Suavecita (Spanglish Edit)” by STEEL. This song ends the compilation with thick bass,percussion and dramatic splashes of techno color, texture and effects for a jungle of sound that bursts off the track like lights that flicker and flash on the dance-floor. The vocal motifs are equally diverse and range from singing to speaking to out of this world vocal sounds that will mesmerize you. This is a club mix song to dive into, go under and get lost in.
For more information about Millennials 1, please visit Bongo Boy Records Artist Page.
About Bongo Boy Records

Since 2008 Bongo Boy Records Headquarters’ office is located in Northwest Jersey. The independent label also has offices also in London, Ont. Canada, London, The UK and Hong Kong, China; all to provide worldwide distribution for independent recording artists with promotional support and exposure. Bongo Boy Records official website.
#FairytalesSharonLiaBand #GravityDefiedfeatJRHilcherKorvaz #ReadyForTheWorldEDMfeatKeithHinesProduct #AttackLesFradkin #BlessedKiribatifeatRickyKejSTEELNinaSo #SomeonesElsesEyesFrankieSilver2 #DanceWithAStrangerEDMfeatKeithHinesPro #LoveOfYourLifefeatEveVoxKorvez #ForevermoreDanceVersionSharonLiaBand #DriveRobertMichaels #MyMusicEDMfeatKeithHinesProductionTammi #InspiredVisionsRadioDanceMixTheCorridors #SuavecitaSpanglishEditSTEEL #BongoBoyRecords #IndependentMusicReviews