Hard and heavy rock demand your attention on Emidio’s Rock Den Vol. 2 by Various Artists. Inspired by DJ Emidio Vaz from the popular Independent Radio show Emidio's Rock Den, Volume 2 is the 2nd music release of the series for Hard Rock and Metal on Bongo Boy Music Group/Bongo Boy Records and it is sure to blow you away.
The album starts with "(She’s My) Serpentine" by Kidd Comet. At the start, a blast of rock literally blows your hair back, a sign of great things to come on this album. A confident attitude is heard in the crisp and clean guitar riffs that cut through the thick bass and catchy rhythmic guitar riffs. The badass vocals soar,. “We gave out hearts. We gave our soul. We gave it all for rock n’ roll.” True to the lyrics, Kidd Comet gives it all and it shows big time.
"Tell Me" by Howzat is up next. Special guitar effects on rapid sixteenths open the song creating a heavy rock swirl against a great pulse. Nice rhythmic change-ups keep you at the edge of your seat. The playing is tight and unpredictable – this is not color inside the lines rock. Mid-way, a bridge section showcases melodic guitar solo work that screams in your head leading to an intense weaving and layering of vocals that is hard rock magic. "Swamp Queen" by Bloodmoon Warning heats up track three. Steller musicianship permeates throughout. With a blend of swamp, southern, blues, and classic, this is a killer track not to be missed. Bloodmoon Warning presents excellent vocal talent that brings you back to the days of large stadiums and rock Gods who ruled. The lead guitar work is amazing, always tasteful and spot on musically; the guitar leads fly off his fingers like fire.
"The Calm and Collected" by The Everyday Losers is engaging. The song opens with an impressive, syncopated sequence of distorted riffs and precise percussion for a thrilling start. Digging in, the lead singer has a wide range of sound that goes from gritty to grounded, "I’m not afraid to lose control.” Vocal effects add cool textures to the song. The Everyday Losers are very in control of rock ride that is never dull.

Changing things up, "Victims of Insanity" by Justin Mark Briggs has a mesmerizing intro that starts with arpeggiated guitar. You are immediately drawn in. Vocally, Justin Mark Briggs presents great tone and expression. Guitar leads cry along with fire and the percussion takes you to the edge with pounding downbeats, grand buildups and rapid rolls. “We’re all victims of insanity.” "Victims of Insanity" is insanely good.
“When Metal Ruled The World” by Ace Macen is out of the gate with rapid riffs. Instrumental interludes between verses remind us why metal rules. The vibe is grandiose as the vocalist hits high notes with ease. Mid-section, the band gets seriously innovative with a live jam session full or energy and drive.
Wiith great melodic sensibilities, Transient Wake offers a contemplative heavy rock ballad with their self-titled song. The intensely emotive vocals take center stage with a gripping performance. Lyrically, the song has poetic depth. Lead guitar work sounds ethereal, smooth and artistic. “Voices screaming in the dark. The echoes in my head. Must escape this day. To end this madness.” This song is a great escape.
"Rolling Like Thunder" by ANGELES has a free-spirited, rebellious edge. Their energy never lets up for an exhilarating listen. “Run with me tonight" is the vocal command and fans will run with this band. Things heat up with distorted guitar solos that race and halt like a fast car on a speedway. This song is a true head banger that you can’t sit still to. Track 9 is “My Mind” by Sister Salvation. Commanding bass starts the song that has a swampy and grinding deliberation. Bluesy rock vocals exude confidence. The song has an amazing rock strut filled with attitude. Mid-way, unpredictable guitar solos are unleased for a wild effect before the song ventures into an alternative landscape that keeps things interesting With plenty of changeups, “My Mind” is a look inside a complex mind that is wild and complex.
Charles Brown “Rock Solid” is well-named. With a more than rock solid performance, Charles’ instrumental heavy rock track offers a smorgasbord for the rock palette. Establishing a rhythmic riff that gets stuck in your head, the song starts with blues guitar. Midway, the track adds psychedelic rock riffs that start mellow out then whirl up to the sky returning to the head banging groove established by crisp drumming and nice rhythmic guitar work.
"March of The Reich" by Rykers Law displays tight musicianship from beginning to end. Melodic themes are brought into the light as the song marches forward with urgency. The percussion is deliberate and concise The guitar motifs are melodic; they fly off the guitar fretboard, fast, furious and fluent. This well-composed song is worthy of several listens. Add it to your playlist and hit repeat to catch something different everytime you listen.
Track 12, “Louder” by Candlelight Chaos, has an awesome classic rock vibe that sounds like it was written for fans to join in. Extremely engaging and inviting, the song has strong drumming and guitar work. The lead singer delivers with great presence. The melodic chorus is catchy and will surely have audiences standing and shouting along. “Get up off the ground. Stand up and shout. Let me hear you scream louder.” Sure to be a fan favorite, “Louder” gets high marks for strong melodic content that jumps off the track and into the audience.
“Hale To The King” by Jonah Whale gets everything right with a song that has excellent lyrics, great song-writing and a very slick performance. The addictive song has a contemporary touch that fans of traditional and new metal will appreciate. Radio-ready vocals are easy to relate to as they sing the intelligent lyrics. There’s a great vibe that you can groove to and more than enough substance to keep you listening and wanting to hear more of Jonah Whale.
Track 14, "Jake La Motta", by Justin Mark Briggs is a break from the pack with strong story-telling. The lyrics take us into the world of heavy hitter, boxer Jake La Motta aka “Raging Bull”. The light percussion and heavy walking bass create a fun vibe that will get you off your feet. With catchy melodies, a strong hook, relatable vocals and an upbeat tempo, “Jake La Motta” gets in the ring and throws a great rock n roll punch.
"Diggin Graves" by Burning Yesterday is blistering hot metal. Growling vocals and spit fire drumming work together to create an unyielding energy. The lead guitar work is manic is a good way showcasing fast electric finger-work that cuts through the mix. The song never, ever dies until the very last note. Full of heavy metal life and vigor, “Diggin Graves” has enough energy to wake the dead.
“Calling To Winston Churchill” by Transient Wake is an anthem piece that is a fight for freedom that does not surrender musically. The song is full of attitude and defiance without apology. This political song hits high marks for shouting it out, a straight-forward call for change,with strong vocals, bold musicality and engaging material. With very cathcy material, fans will surely join the movement.
Changing things up is Polygon with “Forever And a Day.” This song has strong melodic content and the chorus is highly memorable. Nice guitar leads are tasteful and well-placed. The songs dives into great themes including being who you are and being free. “It doesn’t matter where you’re from. It doesn’t matter who you are.” An electronic pulse resonates throughout. This thoughful song is easy to get lost in and sounds mezmerizing.
The amazing album ends with “Come and Take It” by Transient Wake. It’s appropriate to end the album with a song that says, “You want it, come and take it. We’re not backing down” This is a song about not backing down and it doesn’t back down musically. Lead vocals dig in defiantly. The guitar work is polished and smooth. The catchy chorus is a sing-a-long for rebels of rock everywhere.
For more information, please visit Bongo Boy Records.
#ShesMySerpentineKiddComet #TellMeHowzat309 #SwampQueenBloodmoonWarning #TheCalmandCollectedTheEverydayLosers #VictimsofInsanityJustinMarkBriggs #WhenMetalRuledTheWorldAceMacen #TransientWakeTransientWake #RollingLikeThunderANGELES #MyMindSisterSalvation #RockSolidCharlesBrown #MarchOfTheReichRykersLaw #LouderCandlelightChaos #HaleToTheKingJonahWhale #JakeLaMottaJustinMarkBriggs #DigginGravesBurningYesterday #CallingTowWinstonChurchillTransientWake #ForeverAndADayPolygon #ComeandTakeItTransientWake #MusicReviewBlog