Review by Sylvie Marie & Staff

Bible Belt Blues' “Mighty Warriors for Christ” delivers a unifying message through a powerful blues groove. The percussion holds a tight rhythm driving the 4/4 time with steady eighth notes while the kick accents the stronger downbeats. Soon, growling layers of guitar, played by Harold Vega Vondenstein grace the track, catching the listener's ear with syncopated rhythms and tinges of dissonant harmony that add a distinct bluesy flair to the leads.
Ebbing and flowing perfectly with the instrumental arrangement, Harold’s vocals have a smokey timbre that flourish on the track through spoken word sections and melodic phrases. As the song progresses, the instrumentals build in intensity as Harold dives deeper into the subject matter, keeping listeners enthralled from start to finish.
2020 W.A.M. Award Winner, Paula Vega Vondenstein, wrote the lyrics. The song begins intimately, like a conversation between friends, as Paula states, "I’ve got something on my mind. I want to share it with you. It’s on my mind." And then, the conversation takes on urgency with the words "right now." It is then that Paula proclaims, "We need mighty warriors for Christ."
In "Mighty Warriors for Christ', the word "warrior" brings on a strong image. Warriors are courageous and brave soldiers. They live a certain code of honor. And they never leave a soldier behind. For this warrior to be successful, they have to push past their fears or they will die. And if they don't give every battle their all, lives are lost. This is how Paula approaches "Mighty Warriors for Christ." She calls upon Christians to push past their fears, take a stand, speak out, and be brave in order to save souls.
"You know what We're raising up wimpy Christians Not warriors for Christ Too afraid to be broken Too afraid to show their pain Too afraid to take a stand Too afraid to speak His name Too afraid to share their faith To a lost and hurting world"
Warriors don't sit on the side lines. They know, from day one, that their calling is not going to be easy. Warriors know who they serve and what they are fighting for. If they have fear, they push it aside for their comrades and for the greater good. Sometimes, a soldier is young and new, but this doesn't matter. Even a young and new soldier is called to make a stand. Bible Belt Blues' "Mighty Warriors for Christ" is an urgent call to Christians to be like a brave warrior and take action for a hurting world.
Make sure to check out “Mighty Warriors For Christ” and keep up with the latest on Bible Belt Blues on
About Bible Belt Blues

Harold and Paula Vega Vondenstein are BibleBeltBlues, award winning husband and wife music ministry team from Gulfport, Mississippi. Their music is reminiscent of early Mississippi Bentonia blues with its gritty guitar picking and hauntingly beautiful D & E minor chords; the perfect backdrop for their full-fledged repentance and church revival songs for which they are known. Add to that their signature weeping harmonica and a bit of 70’s retro mixed in for good measure and you’ve got a style that is uniquely their own. 2019 was an amazing year for BibleBeltBlues with the release of their two Christian albums, “I’m Not Ashamed to Be a Christian” and “My God, My God” to winning the coveted Josie Music Award for Gospel/ Christian Duo.
2020 has been an exceptional year for BibleBeltBlues with twenty six of their songs having already received radio airplay, extensive media coverage (song reviews, articles, and interview), and numerous nominations and awards including the 2020 W.A.M. Music Awards Winner for Best Lyrics (Paula Vega Vondenstein) for Gospel/ Christian/ Inspirational Song of the Year "We Worship the King of Kings," 2020 Josie Music Awards Finalist Nomination for Duo of the Year, 2020 InterContinental Music Awards Finalist for Best of Gospel/ Contemporary Christian-America for "Down the Rabbit Hole" and "Are You Ready?" 2020 Gulf Coast Gospel Music Awards Song of the Year Nomination for "Down the Rabbit Hole," Finalist Award for the Christian Songwriting Contest for "Soften My Hardened Heart," and Finalist Award for Song of the Year Songwriting Competition for "Holy Revival."
BibleBeltBlues is part of a recently released compilation album, Backroom Blues Volume Nine with various artists, as well as a Christian compilation album, "Consecration Revival Vol. 1," both by Bongo Boy Records. BibleBeltBlues' songs have charted numerous times on the Roots Music Report and on WNIR Radio's Top 10 Chart every month since January of 2020. They were the inspiration behind the creation of WNIR Radio's new Christian Program, "Spirit & Soul." They are currently working on their 3rd album.