Review by Anthony Nguyen & Staff

The W.A M. Awards celebrate the year’s most outstanding independent artists from around the world in multiple genres and categories. "Best Song" and "Best Album" nominations were based on Artistry, Musicianship, Originality, Professionalism, Diversity, and Excellence. W.A.M. stands for "We Are the Music Makers.' FSG Rell's Album "Ambition Over Fear" was the 2020 W.A.M. Award Winner for Best Album in the Rap / Hip Hop music category.
Off the album, "Ambition Over Fear, FSG Rell delivers a stunning heartfelt performance in his song, “Only Us” feat. Mecca. The beat is powerful and punchy the whole way through. The piano is the harmonic driver, while the bass and kick provide a rock solid foundation for the song to rest on. The snare is nice and crisp without ever becoming piercing, a nod to the excellent mixing. The high hats follow in the same vein, staying bright and present although it never gets in the way of the vocal. FSG Rell is simply captivating. His raw charisma is evident in every lyric he writes. The energy is electric and is the real star of the show.
Mecca’s verse is also superb. She differs to Rell’s energy with a more sassy tone but just as interesting. She seems to rap slightly behind the beat, giving her verse a nice tug and pull that is riveting to listen to. From the get go, FSG Rell grabs listeners in with his infectiously enthusiastic rapping. The chorus seems to somehow build even more energy due to the powerful and more focused rapping direction. Rell’s ad libs are very well placed, and do a good job filling in the empty gaps and keeping the song driving.
Mecca’s verse is absolutely thrilling and the perfect palate cleanser to FSG Rell. Her style is much more dependent on her fierce personality and it oozes from every word she says. The way her vocals are mixed is also a nice contrast. While Rell’s vocals are relatively dry, Mecca’s are a little bit more saturated with reverb and the delay throws are much more evident. Another nod to the excellent mixing, it gives her vocal a different dimension and it works very well.
Just like the rest of the song, the lyrics are yet another facet of the song that is well written. “Remind em I came from the bottom, one direction that’s tough, me I like more direct, I aint even throw in no subs”. Compelling and full of drama, the lyrics add another layer to an already densely produced song. From the stellar vocal performances from both rappers to masterful lyric writing, “Only Us” feat. Mecca by FSG Rell is without a doubt an absolute banger.
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About FSG Rell

FSGRell is from a small city-like area called Pottstown, PA. The birth of FSGRell in Pottstown; Philadelphia was prolific, inspirational, and part of God’s plan. FSGRell‘s early childhood years included strong family ties, street dreams, drug-infested street corners, and Hip-Hop Music. The culture of music flowed through the household of FSGRell and lit a passionate infinite flame inside of his soul.
From his early years of rapping FSGRell set a very high bar for himself, and he welcomes the pressure of “Philadelphia” Hip-Hop. FSGRell’s 2019 summer album Ambition Over Fear quickly became a fan favorite with songs as “Fed up (feat. Dahlia)”, “Only Us (feat. Mec)” and “Baggin Up”. The Album Ambition Over Fear is the beginning of Rell talking more of his personal pain in his music. Ambition Over Fear is the start of where Rell starts to open himself up more to his supporters.
FSGRell’s last summer album More Than A Rapper is the best project to date from Rell. Rell puts it all on the line in tracks such as Soulfood, Note 2 Self, For You,and More Than A Rapper. Rell has been featured on The Source, Vevo, Hip Hop Since 1987, Saycheese, KollegeKidd, and DJ Smallz Eyes to name a few sources. FSGRell has also done songs with artists such as K-Shine, Leaf Ward, SG Tip and Richie Wess. FSGRell‘s latest album release “More Than A Rapper” has the world on flames in 2020 and everyone from major labels to the hottest nightlife promoters are officially endorsing the Pottstown native as #THENEXTBIGTHING.