Review by Sylvie Marie & Staff

An exuberant, syncopated electric guitar strums brightly in the introduction of "Still True." Lead singer, Brent Williams, opens the endearing love song singing, "I remember how we met so long ago. Tensely circling the room to say hello. Asking you to dance timidly, you agreed. I knew that night God introduced you to me." Brent's vocal performance is magnetic and expressive.
As the song moves forward, crisp drums, bass, and electronic ambiance support the mix for a joyous, pop sound. The buildup from pre-chorus to chorus is very well-conceived leading to a highly catchy hook that leaps off the page. Melodic guitar solos are tastefully placed and executed. Each verse brings something new to the ears. John McKivergan is a master at his crafts who writes highly memorable melodies.
"The one I want to weather every storm with The one I have an unbreakable bond with The one love of my life, God ordained for me Our life’s journey side by side was meant to be You’re still my true true love True true love"
McKivergan wrote "Still True" for his wife of 40 years, and you can hear his devotion in every note. "Beyond friendship, romance, and chemistry, you’re at the core of my humanity." The poetic and thoughtful lyrics depict a deep connection. The song also has inspirational gratitude. "The one love of my life, God ordained for me."
"Still True" is a very well-written spiritual, love song that takes the listener from a first encounter to a lasting connection that grew through good times and challenging times. McKivergan has written the perfect love song for married couples, capturing the essence of true love in word and song.

About John McKivergan
Writer of Christian and faith based lyrics for Christian Rock and Contemporary Christian music. As a songwriter, Collaborate with studio musicians, vocalists, and producers to bring my writing to life. My songs are published and distributed on music websites, internet radio and social media.
For more information on John McKivergan, please visit his website.
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