Music Review by Victoria Scott & Staff

In "Dueños de Aquí," the kick drums and toms start the beat as the guitar plays a blues melody. As the song progresses the beat picks up and a second guitar comes in as the bass plays a funky groove. Labán’s soft rock, funk style embodies his soulful and passionate lyrical cadence. His voice is soothing and has a pure tone. Labán is a vibrant and ingenious songwriter with his musical interpretation, instrumentation and lyrics.
Labán’s wrote “Dueños de Aquí” as a political and social protest to the corruption happening in Mexico. The chorus sings, “Plata viene y va Pero son ellos que la traen Queda en su conciencia El que vayamos para atrás.” The English translation is roughly, “Silver comes and goes, but it is they who bring it; it remains in your conscience, let us go." The message is about the imbalance of income among people. What do you receive from violence and being threatened in your own homeland? “Que alguien detenga Esta estafa sin fin Que nos avientan Los dueños de este país Y si nos dejan Por reconstruir Que nos devuelvan Las ganas de estar aquí. This is a wish to stop the scamming and let the people thrive.
Labán's lyrics create a vivid depiction of the corruption happening in Mexico. The funky grove and blues melody capture the emotional turmoil that Mexico is facing. To stop exploitation and inequality, people must stand together. Labán uses his voice to project what matters, and he delivers a powerful and honest message.
About Labán
Labán is a Mexican singer-songwriter who is based out of Tijuana in Mexico City. Labán credits his upbringing for his passion for humanism and social entrepreneurship; his parents, both social activists and a graphic artist, instilled a sense of social responsibility early on. From the age of 3, Labán showed a great interest in music and began studying the violin. Today, he is a songwriter, musician and producer.

Labán's first album Todos Somos Dueños de Aquí is soon to be released. The principle of respect for human life is part of the album’s concept and a central idea and each song is associated with a vital part of the human body. The function of each part is related to the song’s intention. Jazz, Pop, RnB, Funk and Rock are the vibes on this album. The lyrical content goes from protest against corruption, impunity, extreme income inequality and violence to frustration and existential crisis to love relationships and friendship. Four singles are out, Dueños de Aquí, Quién da Más, Para ti and Acércate.
For more information, please visit Labán's website.

"Dueños de Aquí" is featured on BWH Music Group’s new release, ‘On Peace Street, Vol. One.’ The compilation album is a collection of 19 original songs in various genres by today's best independent artists and songwriters. Sharing songs about peace and social justice, the artist's songs will ultimately remind you of the importance of peace, fairness, love and unity. Filled with meaningful lyrics and exceptional music, this playlist is an example of how music can influence, and even change, people, movements, and society. Visit BWH Music Group Album Release Page for more information.
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