Review Written by Ionas Finser & Staff

A USA International Songwriting Competition Finalist, Pastor Peter B. Unger is a singer-songwriter who writes Inspirational/Spiritual Folk, Celtic and Country music. Peter was raised in New England and is a graduate of Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate Degree from Drew University in Madison, NJ. Singing and songwriting has been a passion of Pastor Peter since his early teens. Pastor Unger wrote most of these songs as an extension of his ministry. The greatest reward Pastor Unger has received from his music is the assurance by many of the comfort, hope, and mediated sense of Christ’s presence it brought them. Peter’s music features organic guitar work and poignant lyrics with a focus on hope and faith in today’s challenging world. Peter’s latest song is titled “Selah.”

The atmosphere of “Selah” is built atop the gentle, touching movement of both acoustic and electric guitars, which fill up the mix and create a home for Unger’s first verse. The artist’s voice is clear and piercing, demonstrating the qualities of a man who has spent his life communicating on the highest level. Unger creates a mood that is bright and soothing, like an audible embrace of reassurance. Even the structures of vocal melodies are optimistic and warm in nature, centering around satisfying cadences and major resolutions.
The lyrical structure of “Selah” is quite well-thought-out and coherent. In the verses, Unger addresses God directly in prayer, while in each chorus turning to the world to inspire peace and reflection. In this way, the reach of the song is quite broad, covering both the inward and outward vision of humanity. The song seems to revolve around the ancient Hebrew word “Selah,” which may be roughly translated to ‘pause’ or ‘reflect.’ The fact of this lyrical focus brilliantly contributes to the overall message and mood of the piece.
“Selah, Selah, Selah, Selah Then reflect upon the words you pray And they will guide you on your way”
Songs like “Selah” are rare and valuable, as they direct us towards larger meanings that we can seek out in our life, all while exposing deep emotion and thought. The message is all the more powerful coming from Peter Unger, a reverend by trade, who has been inspired enough to reach out to the world through music. At the end of the day, when wars have been waged and tears have been shed, “Selah” is the best guidance one can receive.
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