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Tom Abbott - 'In Tent City'

Review by Ionas Finser & Staff

Songwriter Tom Abbott is on the Board of, and an artist in Operation Encore, a Veteran Music Project. Currently a Pilot for Southwest Airlines, Tom spent 22 years as an Air Force Fighter Pilot, flying A-10s and F-16s in combat and peacetime operations all over the world. Operation Encore, a 501(c)(3), supports Veteran singer-songwriters in honing their skills and getting their music published. Tom's single "In Tent City" is a great way to get acquainted with his gifts and talent.

“In Tent City” is a song that somehow perfectly captures the imagery and mood of its lyrical themes. One almost feels the blazing sun above and gritty sand underfoot as drums and guitar introduce us to Tom Abbott’s military-inspired masterpiece.

Abbott’s raspy, satisfying voice carries a retrospective tone to accompany verse after brilliant verse. The phrasing of vocal melodies is impeccable, with good use of space and harmonic awareness. The chorus is a masterpiece of its own, introducing the listener to a vibrant environment full of texture and emotion.

The subject matter of this song covers the artist’s experience of living in a military “tent city” in the Middle East, spending each day waiting for his eventual departure back home. The lyrics are made using a perfect combination of vivid imagery and subtle mystery. If one were unfamiliar with the story behind the song, it would be easy to associate the lyrics with broader human feelings and experiences. This notion is evidence of Tom Abbott’s lyrical genius.

“Brotherhood, gunfire, joy and pain Just tryin to explain'd drive a man insane But I'd do it all again if they asked me to 'the hell kinda man'd do the things we do?”

“In Tent City” is a powerful vehicle of humanity and emotion in a time where so much of the world’s global interaction is based on conflict and discord. Abbott perfectly encapsulates the notion of what it means to serve one’s duty, while broadening his message into something that we can all understand. Abbott is a brilliant musician with a lifetime of experience and a meaningful message to share.

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