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CircuitDive - "The Coded One"

Bryon Harris

CircuitDive is an alternative electronic duo featuring American born (Virginia) composer and multi-instrumentalist Francis Tombwrecker and Jerrra Blues. Jerrra is a Russian-born singer and model with a background in hiphop/freestyle. Francis composes, produces and mixes all the music while Jerrra develops the lyrics based on the material she receives; both artists collaborate on the final outcome. CircuitDive released their debut EP 'The Coded One' in February, 2017; the EP is a contemporary art form, an intense genre-outlier that is both non-formulaic and non-traditional.

The first song off of The Coded One is the song “Outside Time.” This song is a great introduction to the unique expressionism that CircuitDive offers. The song begins with eerie ambient sounds that gradually build with a variety of electronic instrumentation, until string-like instruments cut into mix leading to the drop of the beat. At this point Jerrra enters giving a haunting resonance that blends perfectly with the instrumentals. The approach to CircuitDive's vocals is one of instrumentation as Jerrra’s voice, acting as an instrument itself, explores unique ground. “The Coded One” has multiple points where the instrumentals and vocals completely change up, making this an exciting entrance from CircuitDive.

Next up on the EP is “Evonestra,” another engaging addition. “Evonestra” is riddled with intricate rhythms and captivating production by Francis. The ever-changing soundscape pulls you in from the start and the effects used on the vocals give off an electronic vibe that allows Jerrra’s voice to blend into the instrumentation. “Evonestra” gracefully takes you through periods of what at first sound like instrumental chaos only to give way, seamlessly, to calmer moments that glide you through waves of different emotions. The songs haunting lyrics linger like a ghost, “My sweet angels, my corrupted spirits.” One of the best lines is “Are you haunted or am I possessed?” This song seems to speak about self-destruction and indulgence. The third song on the album, and title track of the EP, is “The Coded One.” This fast-paced, energetic track will get your blood pumping. It kicks off with a dial-up like sound that immediately leads into a heart-thumping drum loop. “The Coded One” is sure to be a crowd favorite with its piercing production and melodic lines. CircuitDive utilizes highly poetic material for their lyrics, leaving room for interpretation. “Unpredictable. Isn’t quite right now. I’m encoding myself in your net. Unpredictable. Isn’t quite right now. I’m encoding myself in your net.” “Medusa Pearl” is up next, shifting styles once again. The mood is darker with depth; the music feels highly emotional and charged. The lyrics, utilizing mythology and modernism, are captivating.

Lastly on the EP is the song, “The Mysterious.” This song ends the album with a complete bang. It features an intense soundscape to blow your mind with distorted instruments and effects. The vocals enter with a muffled tone, creating a nice edge. “You’re fearless I’m mysterious.” This one line truly sums up the dual nature of CircuitDive’s music; two artists, both fearless and mysterious. They are not going to spoon-feed you music that tastes like any other and they are not going to write lyrics about holding hands on a beach. CircuitDive steers away from the mainstream without apology as Jerrra’s vocals blend, bend and bleed into Francis’s intelligent and contemporary compositions. 'The Coded One' will take you on a musical trip like no other if you are up for a ride outside the ordinary. To listen to their EP or for more information on CircuitDive, visit their website.

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