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Emily Cole - HerSong Interview

What is your earliest memory of music? And, how did you get started in music?

My earliest memory of music is when I was probably about 6 years old! My cousins would come over to our old house to hang out with my brother and I, and we would all play rock band. I would be the singer! I've always loved to sing, but I didn't start taking it seriously until I was 12. I went to a songwriters camp, where I performed at my very first showcase with an original song, and I've been hooked ever since!

What was the first song you ever wrote? What or who inspired you to start writing music?

The first song that I remember writing was called In Your Life. I wrote it at my first songwriters camp, and it was about how my cousin was going through a hard time and I wanted to let her know that everything was going to be okay. I've always loved writing, but it wasn't until I found out that Taylor Swift wrote her own music that I wanted to write songs! She's super talented, and probably one of the world's best songwriters, so I used to have a lot of Taylor influences in my melodies and song structures.

Do you play any instruments? If yes tell us about it. If not, do you work with a band or studio musicians? Do you produce your tracks or work with a producer?

Do you play any : I play guitar and ukulele at my gigs, but when I'm recording my own material I always have the tracks created by a producer. My style is similar to Billie Eilish and Halsey, so I try to stick with that alternative pop sound.

What is your favorite part about being an artist (performing, recording, writing, playing)?

I honestly can't choose a favorite part! I love every aspect of it, and everything involved with being an artist has an important purpose.

Do you have any advice for young women pursuing music? Please note that this information might be used on a separate inspirational section/advice column on the blog as well.

Always be true to yourself because authenticity is key and keep working hard even if things get tough! It'll all be worth it, I promise.

For readers who have never heard your music, can you suggest one or two songs to start with?

Either my song Karma or Dead Feelings! Those are my two favorites.

Tell us where fans can access your music. Provide 1 or 2 links here:

My website is, my instagram is emilycoleofficial, and you can find my music on any streaming service of your choice!



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