Old Brave Souls is an indie-rock group made up of brothers Nick and Luke Yoder. Originally from Cumberland, Maryland, Nick and Luke were contributors to the late 1990’s/ early 2000's Western Maryland music scene. Nick was the drummer for Grill Body Five (pop-punk) and Luke was the singer for Midnight:30 and Plan B (hop-hop). After some years apart, the brothers found themselves living once again in same town – this time, they were back at the family farm in Charleston, South Carolina. Today, Nick and Luke write and record original music in their studio, which they converted from an old horse barn in the family’s fields. Their debut album “Fields of Yesterday” contains 13 intelligent and well-crafted songs that will resonate with indie-rock fans in South Carolina and around the world. Their single, “Blue Jean Radical “ is just one of the many gems off the album. You can find the album on CDbaby and other major digital outlets.
The kick-off to “Blue Jean Radical” is immediate with Nick's vocals starting on the first downbeat."You left the window open, so let's take all the signs Set 'em up in a pretty little chorus line. You always make the train on time. And you're always so damn nice." Nick's voice is easy to listen to, inviting and down-to-earth. Along with a swinging bass line, strumming guitars and rock drums, the catchy song wastes no time setting a great groove. You’ll be tapping your foot along. The sweet-spot to “Blue Jean Radical” is found in the duo’s intelligent lyrics. Nick sings, “I’m the one in the back of the room sleeping in on a Monday, a blue jean radical. Start a revolution in one day.” A trademark of Old Brave Souls' style is that their lyrics pack a punch while their music resonates with feel-good vibes. In “Blue Jean Radical” the words reflect upon the not-so-urgent desire to change the world and the stronger pull to sleep in on a Monday. The upbeat, tuneful nature of the melodic content is easy to get lost in while the words stick to you long after you’ve heard them. Wait, what were they singing about? Let me listen again. “If you don't think we need it, well it's in the classifieds. Dress it up with a red, white and blue headline.” The band cleverly tackles apathy and indifference with a contagious melody and an upbeat vibe.
“Blue Jean Radical ” lives up to the song’s title. Nick and Luke aren’t necessarily out to change the world, but they have an uncanny ability to package meaningful lyrics in something that is so darn pleasing to the ear, you might find yourself deep in thought and wonder if the music had something to do with it. Or you might just find yourself singing and swaying along, realizing exactly what they are saying and thinking to yourself, “I get it." Old Brave Souls are new and refreshing each time you listen, and you will want to listen multipe times.
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