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John McKivergan - 'Our Journey'

Bryon Harris

Reviewed by Aaron Cloutier

Warm and dramatic piano keys, haunting string sections and sustained lead guitar notes set the stage for the emotionally charged vocals of Dana and Brent Miller during the epic ”Our Journey“ by songwriter John McKivergan.

Drawing from a variety of genres, listeners will be able to pick up elements of Rock and Gospel infused with large amount of spirituality as the blend of male and female voices weave in and out around each other. Sometimes the vocals come together creating sweet harmonies while other times, they separate. Each taking a verse to themselves.

The perspective of the subject matter takes an interesting approach as the song tells the story of the birth of Jesus as told through through Mary and Joseph's eyes. In my own opinion, the song’s subject matter is best conveyed in lyrics like. “Father I always felt Your presence around me Still I was not prepared for what was meant to be “ It perfectly describes the weight of responsibility one must have felt knowing that they were to bring the son of god into the world.

There is an interesting use of instrumentation going on throughout “Our Journey.” Aside from the aforementioned, a strong rhythm section is apparent with hard hitting drums and funky slap bass lines as the song progresses. The mood of the piece overall is very minor and dramatic which fits the title and themes of struggle both internal and external.

In short, “Our Journey” paints a vivid picture full of religious imagery that packs an emotional punch. Fans of Christian rock looking for an alternative to the typical holiday song will find this a refreshing and moving change to load up in their playlist. John McKivergan's song, "Our Journey" will be on WNIR's, "Holiday Spectacular" radio show, airing every night from December 15 - December 31st at 6:30pm.

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About John McKivergan

John McKivergan is a writer of Christian and faith based lyrics for Christian Rock and Contemporary Christian music. As a songwriter, John collaborates with studio musicians, vocalists, and producers to bring his writing to life. His songs are published and distributed on music websites, internet radio and social media.



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